by hairagain111 | Aug 7, 2015 | Hair Cuts
What’s your FAVORITE hair tool? My favorite tool is the XL Ion Round brush by Paul Mitchell. My clients love the smooth volumizing result. Don’t forget to Pre-dry to 80% before using the Round Brush. I recommend Paul Mitchell’s 413 vent brush or...
by hairagain111 | Aug 7, 2015 | Hair Cuts
People often wonder WHY stylists cut a certain way. The simple answer is it works the best for them. But really there is NO PERFECT way. Finding a stylist who cuts it like you want it can be just as difficult as finding one that you like. Many people are afraid of...
by hairagain111 | Aug 7, 2015 | Hair Types
Most of the time I can duplicate a picture or description of what you want, but sometimes, I can not create the look you might be going for because of your hair type and texture. I have to say “NO” to cutting your hair that way. After cutting hair for a...
by hairagain111 | Aug 7, 2015 | Loyalty Program
When I first started cutting hair my purpose was to help those in need (homeless), but now I realize everyone NEEDS to feel loved. The old hairdresser saying goes like this, “we touch more hearts than hair”. It is true. I see many older ladies that...
by hairagain111 | Aug 7, 2015 | Loyalty Program
At Hair Again we strive to make your FEEL and LOOK your best! Our salon is comfortable, family friendly and Inviting. What sets us apart from the generic salons is our connection and personal relationship with each and every client. We build strong, loyal and...